Sarah Newman 18th July 2023

It was wonderful to hear so many thoughtful tributes to Clare at yesterday's funeral - her mischievous, fun, exuberant and thoughtful personality came across so strongly from all the accounts given. Clare was a hugely important part of my life as a teenager and young adult, when we spent many hours together sharing a love of literature and music, hanging out in her room listening to old records, going to parties, navigating school life and the turbulence of adolescence, sharing a lot of excitement, laughs, adventures. And then as young adults we had another chance to share our experiences, when I visited her in Brussels and met so many people - an exciting international world of all those she attracted around her. I loved meeting her friends and introducing her to mine too, leading to enduring friendships on both sides. Her zest for life enriched my life in so many ways and I will miss knowing she is there for all of us. My heart goes out to her family. Thinking of you now and sending much love.